
Member Briefing: October 11, 2019

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition — the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

Annual I-40 Partnership meeting is this Thursday
For more than 10 years, the regional business community has partnered with NCDOT and other area transportation agencies and organizations to improve the operations of our region’s main street, Interstate 40. That tradition continues later this month, with our next I-40 Regional Partnership meeting on Thursday, October 17, from 2 pm to 4:30 pm at SAS. There is no cost to attend, but you must RSVP with Natalie due to security requirements. The annual partnership meeting is probably more “technical” than most meetings we run, but still may be worth your time if you have an interest.

Cary election results: transportation bond passes easily
The Cary Town Council placed a $113m transportation bond on the ballot for this week, and it passed very easily, with 80% of voters in favor. RTA endorsed the bond and actively worked for its passage due to the investments in intersections, sidewalks and more. Kudos to the Cary Chamber one of our founding chambers of commerce for their excellent campaign to promote awareness and support for the campaign!

Upcoming Raleigh BRT meetings discuss design, equitable development
Bus rapid transit is coming to Wake County and the Triangle. The City of Raleigh has three upcoming meetings on proposed BRT – two on equitable development around BRT stations (October 12 and 26) and a design meeting on October 29. BRT will be foundational to our regional multimodal future I encourage you to attend one or more of these meetings if you have an opportunity. In addition, Chapel Hill Transit is advancing their own BRT system, and is the subject of this week’s Thursday Thoughts at 3 blog.

Thank you for your membership in the regional business community’s voice on transportation!   

Let’s get moving,


Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold