
A compass heading, not an instruction manual

Earlier this month we released the preliminary findings from our Freeway And Street-based Transit (FAST) study that we are coordinating in concert with GoTriangle and NCDOT. While the study recommendations are illustrative, they provide some specific examples of higher frequency corridors with associated “transit advantage” mobility improvements.

Commenting is open now through the end of August at Next week we will provide a companion report and have a business discussion at our annual (virtual) breakfast with several of our focus area chairs.

Next week’s breakfast event will also provide us with an opportunity to learn the preliminary findings of the zero fare for everyone pilot study we have been working on since the early spring. Zero fare has been around in Chapel Hill for decades; youths and seniors have been recent additions regionally.

Can we further expand zero fare in our region with a pilot? The short answer is “yes”; we will hear an overview of some of the recommended options, and also some elements that agencies and our region will need to consider and address to ensure that any potential pilot is successful. No agency will be willing to provide zero fare unless they feel confident that they can continue to deliver effective service.

In both the FAST and zero fare initiatives, we are not able to provide step-by-step instructions for creating a future enhanced transit network. What the regional business community can provide is focus — a compass direction, if you will — and an assurance of our ongoing support and commitment to these and other multimodal emphasis areas, and to our region.

I look forward to the conversation and insights at our breakfast on Tuesday (RSVP here), and your feedback anytime.

Thank you for your membership.

Let’s get moving,

Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

RTA is the voice of the regional business community on transportation


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Omnia Gold