
Member Briefing: August 7, 2020

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition — the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

RTA Breakfast event is still going strong
The one hour virtual Breakfast event may have ended this past Tuesday, but the member engagement festivities are just beginning. We received strong media coverage from WRAL TechWire and had a good conversation via Twitter. The full event presentation is available here, and we’ve also posted a preliminary findings report on the FAST study. Be sure to offer your comments on either FAST or zero fare, ideally by around August 21. Feel free to also email Natalie or me directly with your feedback if that is easier.   

I-40 Partnership is next week
Natalie mentioned this at the end of the Breakfast: our 12th annual I-40 Partnership meeting, held in concert with NCDOT since the inception of the group, takes place this Tuesday, August 11, at 3:30 p.m. It is a virtual, no-cost meeting, but you do need to register in advance by emailing Natalie today.

Upgrade your commitment
If you are an RTA Standard member, we would love to have you consider upgrading to Bronze and joining the RTA Leadership Retreat later this month. Your fellow members at Bronze and higher receive recognition at all events including the RTA Breakfast and RTA Annual Meeting, among other benefits. If you are interested, or know of a company that might be, please let me or Natalie know.

Thank you for your membership in the RTA business coalition! Great having so many of you with us at the breakfast earlier this week — let’s keep the momentum going.

Let’s get moving,


Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold