
Member Briefing: February 12, 2021

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition — the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

Pandemic safety and air travel – one year on
While air travel is clearly down, at least some people are flying. Are they safe? By all indications, they are. In fact, they may be more safe than many other activities according to some recent studies. American Airlines recently reported that in-flight elements including the rapid air exchange rate create conditions equivalent to 7 to 15 feet of social distancing — even for adjacent seats. This week’s Thursday Thoughts at 3 blog talks more about the risks and benefits associated with air travel.

And, one year of America’s first Dynamic Left Turn
This weekend marks the one year anniversary of America’s first Dynamic Left Turn intersection (DLTi). Located in Cary at Tryon Road and Cary Parkway, the pilot improvement is saving time for drivers throughout the day while reducing emissions. We applaud NCDOT and RTA Leadership Team member the Town of Cary for their partnership. We also thank fellow RTA Leadership Team member firms VHB and Ramey Kemp for ongoing analysis and assistance with this first-in-the-nation initiative.

Welcome new RTA members
The voice of the regional business community on transportation continues to grow and strengthen. In the last three months, we have added several new companies to the RTA membership that will help bolster our strategic approach and impact. I am pleased to welcome Google, KDC Real Estate, Novo Nordisk, and RTI International to the RTA business coalition! Thank you to our membership and marketing team members Linda Hall with the Research Triangle Foundation, Chris Bell with Truist, Robert Doreauk with AT&T, and Jessica Graber with McKim & Creed for your leadership. Please let us know if you can think of another peer company that should join us.

Thank you to each of our RTA member companies for your ongoing support!

Let’s get moving,

Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold