
Member Briefing: June 3, 2022

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition – the voice of the regional business community on transportation.


A Game Changing Solution for Highway Funding
A new bill of vital importance to RTA was introduced in the General Assembly last week, and I urge you to take two minutes this coming week to contact and encourage your legislator to support the legislation. Senate Bill 793, which would dedicate 2% of overall sales tax revenue to transportation commencing with fiscal year 2023, continuously building to 6% by the end of FY 25, could be the most impactful piece of highway funding legislation in North Carolina in many years.

RTA legislative and policy chair Julia Wright with Dominion Energy and RTA innovative paradigms chair Troy Dover with Summit Design and Engineering Services highlighted both the opportunity and the importance of advancing highway funding this session at last month’s RTA Regional Leadership Team meeting. RTA fully supports this bipartisan legislation, and we urge our members to contact their legislator — House or Senate — and encourage them to support S793 and/or any similar provision that dedicates a portion of sales tax revenues for transportation.

This is a great opportunity to advance mobility — and success here will fuel additional momentum to modernize funding for transportation. More information in this week’s blog; please contact me directly with any questions.


RTA breakfast is next month — reserve your spot today
The next major RTA event is our annual RTA Transportation Breakfast, presented by the Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina, on Friday, July 22, 2022. One or more ticket(s) are included with your membership depending on your membership level. Please connect with my colleague Jacob to confirm the number of included seats, how to order additional tickets, and opportunities to sponsor the event.

Thank you for your ongoing dedication to regional business leadership on mobility.

Let’s get moving,

RTA Executive Director

Click here for prior RTA Member Briefings and RTA Blogs.

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold