
Member Briefing: September 22

RTA applauds the advancement of access user fees in state budget

The legislature’s bipartisan budget includes an increase in the existing, partial access user fee for electric vehicles (EVs) to $180 per year (up from the current rate of $140), and a new, partial access user fee for hybrid vehicles of $90 per year. These fees, like all “DMV” fees, will continue to index quadrennially for inflation.

These improvements continue North Carolina’s leadership in moving toward a simpler, fairer, and more stable transportation funding approach for our growing state, while helping rural residents and supporting workforce mobility.

The organized regional and statewide business community applauds the NC General Assembly for continuing North Carolina’s transition to a simpler, fairer, and more stable “access user fee” framework for funding transportation. RTA and the NC Chamber will continue to promote and support this vital effort for our economic and mobility future with other partners across the state.

This week’s blog provides additional information on the benefits of implementing access user fees and repealing the state gas tax.


Let’s get moving,

Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

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Omnia Gold