Sales email template

See below for a sample email template that you can use or modify when reaching out to a peer company about RTA membership. Thank you for helping to grow the membership of our regional business leadership group.

suggested subject:  [please reply]  RTA

[Your colleague’s First Name],

I would like to connect you with a local group that we have been active in for some time.

The Regional Transportation Alliance (RTA) is how businesses gain insight and impact on transportation issues that affect them and the region.

Our company has invested in this regional business group for several years. They consistently drive consensus to accelerate results — see their 2024 annual report for information.  We make it a point to share our RTA engagement with our associates so they know we are working on this important issue.

There are a number of RTA membership levels. I recommend joining at either Bronze at $2,500 annually or the RTA Regional Leadership Team at Silver ($5,000) or higher. All major investment levels get you recognition at every event and a seat at the annual retreat. RTA Leadership Team levels expand your executive relationships across the region while amplifying your visibility and impact.

I would be pleased to speak with you about the value we have seen. I can also put you in touch with RTA’s executive director Joe Milazzo or their membership operations coordinator Jacob Rigg.

[Personal closing or] “Let’s get moving”,
[Your Name]


Gold members

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