
Member Briefing: February 15, 2019

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

Hyperloop to the RTA breakfast – but register first
This summer, we will have a thought-provoking journey into our mobility future with Ryan Kelly, head of marketing with Virgin Hyperloop One, presenting at our annual RTA Transportation Breakfast on July 12. Given the speaker, topic, and limited capacity, I urge you to reserve your seat now using the tickets included with your membership. Early registration is available only for RTA members and event sponsors until May 1 – and we very well may sell out by that time. Sponsorships are $999 and include 8 seats along with recognition; let us know if you’d like to sponsor or have questions. While the event cannot be as large as The State of Mobility (The Umstead capacity is only 250), there will be just as much energy.

Electric buses launch in Greensboro – and soon, the Triangle
Greensboro just launched its first electric bus into daily passenger service on Jan. 31. The city will have 10 electric passenger buses – manufactured by RTA member Proterra – in use by the end of this month. Our region will also deploy several electric buses this year –  RDU will add Proterra buses to its park and ride system in a few months, while GoTriangle will add two buses later this year. GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and Chapel Hill Transit will also be buying new electric buses. Kudos to Greensboro and our Triangle transit agencies for leading the charge on electric bus deployment in our state. We will monitor successes and lessons learned, and continue to push for alternative propulsion options including the City of Raleigh’s CNG initiative.

Accelerating 540 matters – to all of us
Since the passage of the Wake Transit referendum in November 2016, the accelerated completion of 540 to I-40 has been our top transportation priority. Our most recent Thursday Thoughts at 3 blog speaks to the importance of 540 to areas beyond the immediate Triangle. Having grown up in a small community in southwest PA, I can speak to the importance of creating key linkages to and through metro areas. To put it simply: for many of our state’s rural areas, mobility and opportunity are inseparable, and accelerating 540 can be a big component of future opportunity for residents of nearby counties.

Thank you for your membership in the RTA to help deliver the results our growing region needs.

Let’s get moving,


Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold