RTA launches task force to recommend funding solutions for RDU
- September 12, 2019
- Posted by: Joe Milazzo II
- Category: Blog, Thursday thoughts at 3

Identifying sustainable funding for RDU has been at the forefront of our priorities — currently it is priority “1-A” for the organization — and given the growth in the market and at the airport, it has become more critical.
You know that the Regional Transportation Alliance serves as the voice of the regional business community on transportation. We have named a 12-member regional task force to explore expense and revenue options for Raleigh-Durham International Airport in response to accelerated growth and capital funding needs at RDU.
The RTA RDU Airport Infrastructure Development (“AID”) task force will review relevant information about RDU’s infrastructure and operating needs and formulate recommendations for new sources of revenue and funding.
The RTA RDU “AID” task force is a diverse group of business leaders from RTA member firms who are committed to thoughtfully reviewing funding mechanisms for current and projected plans at the airport.
RTA RDU AID task force members include:
- Joe Anglim, Senior Director, Corporate Strategy, Red Hat, Inc.
- Jim Beley, General Manager, The Umstead Hotel and Spa
- Sarah Gaskill, President and CEO, Morrisville Chamber of Commerce
- Lauren Guy, Marketing Manager, HH Architecture
- Linda Hall, Executive VP and CFO, The Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina
- Rob Herman, GM/Executive Director, Workstation Business Unit, Lenovo
- Harold Hicks, Senior Director, Real Estate, Fidelity Investments
- Monty Irvin, President and CEO, Ramey Kemp and Associates, Inc.
- Dave Krauss, Managing Director, Credit Suisse
- Sarah Quinlan, Managing Director, Carolantic Fund
- Mike Schoenfeld, VP Public Affairs and Government Relations, Duke University
- Gray Styers, Attorney, Co-chair of Infrastructure Practice, Fox Rothschild
The task force has the full support of the airport. RDU Airport CEO Mike Landguth was quoted as saying, “Having the business community take a fresh look at our revenues and expenses creates a tremendous opportunity for the airport to share understanding, gain insight and build support. We are grateful for the partnership and we look forward to learning together.”
The task force will meet several times this fall and provide preliminary recommendations at the RTA annual State of Mobility event on January 17, 2020. An advisory group will be formed to support their efforts. In addition, all RTA members (and others) can offer suggestions or
comments by emailing RDUAID@letsgetmoving.org.
See FAQs and other information at letsgetmoving.org/RDUAID. Media coverage for the task force announcement can be found here.
The regional business community is committed to supporting RDU and identifying new and sustainable funding solutions through the RTA RDU AID task force.
Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director
RTA is the voice of the regional business community on transportation
post reference: th3.2019.37