
Member Briefing: June 19, 2020

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition — the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

Change is in the air, and on the ground
Coronavirus has taught us that we should assume nothing. Transportation has been no exception, with incomprehensible drops in air travel, transit usage, driving and so on. In this week’s blog I offer three principles we can pursue in order to take action, while minimizing risk.

I believe a key to accelerating mobility at the present time is through “reversible” pilots – efforts that can be both physically reversed at a reasonable cost, and politically reversed by setting expectations at the outset. Flexibility, future-proofing, and a willingness to “fail” inform much of how we as a business community approach accelerating regional mobility – including our active RTA studies on a FAST network, Zero Fare, and dynamic left turns. I welcome your feedback on this week’s blog as well as our active studies with our partners.

Celebrate Freedom Day
Today is June 19th, “Freedom Day”, “Juneteenth”, and a day of celebration, remembrance, honoring, and motivation for the African-American community, and increasingly for all Americans. I found this CNN article on the meanings behind the Juneteenth flag – including the importance of today’s date – to be inspiring. While America is indeed the land of the free, it also has unfinished business to form a more perfect union for all Americans. We are committed to doing our part to advance the transportation system needed so that all members of our community can achieve great things for their families, the region, and our nation.

Thank you for your membership, and let’s get moving.


Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold