
Member Briefing: January 8, 2021

Here is a brief weekly update from the RTA business coalition — the voice of the regional business community on transportation.

NC FIRST Commission releases final report
Since spring 2019, the NC FIRST Commission has been reviewing and evaluating North Carolina’s current and future transportation investment needs, and potential ways to modernize funding streams over the long term. The final report and summary of commission findings were released today, outlining potential recommendations to make state transportation revenue more sustainable. RTA has supported this important initiative, we are pleased to see today’s release of the report with several promising options, and we look forward to continued dialogue with key partners including NCDOT and the NC Chamber on a potential funding solution that is viable, fair, and resilient to future economic downturns, pandemics, and the like.

Thoughts on transportation and a “retail” mindset
Identifying new ideas for improving mobility is an integral part of RTA advocacy and focus. As the voice of the regional business community on transportation, those ideas come from each of our members based on their unique work and personal experiences. One field of business that often informs our thinking on mobility and the user experience is retail. You can read more in this week’s blog about the value all of our RTA members provide by sharing perspectives from a broad and diverse set of disciplines.

NCDOT Aviation briefing event, in concert with RTRP and RTA
The NCDOT Division of Aviation is hosting a regional briefing later this month on the economic impact of aviation and the aerospace industry. We are pleased to partner with the Research Triangle Regional Partnership in support of this event, which will discuss “The State of NC Aviation” and a new NC aerospace business development plan. Each of our members is invited to attend the online meeting on January 19 – you can sign-up here.

Thank you for your membership in the RTA business coalition!

Let’s get moving,


Joe Milazzo II, PE
RTA Executive Director

Gold members

Thank you to our Omnia Gold, Sustaining Gold, and Gold members

Omnia Gold
Omnia Gold